Thursday, September 22, 2011

24 Endangered Birds Gifted Their Own Hawaiian Island

Picture: The endangered species, the Millerbird

For numerous years now, the Millerbird has been on the brunk of extinction. Originally from an island off of Hawaii called Nihoa, these birds have an individual amount of only 600 birds. They have battled with droughts, fires, and foreign species threats throughout the past few years. The U.S fish an Wildlife Service and the American Bird Conservany realized that this species was going to die out and needed to be saved immediately. Thankfully, they came up with the idea of moving them to another remote island off of Hawaii, in hopes that the Millerbird will be able to repopulate. The birds are now living in their new home, and will be monitored for about a year.

I always am so sad to hear that a species is endangered, let alone extinct. I think that it is great that more and more organizations are saving so much of the dwindling species. I hope that this can continue for other species who are still on the endangered species list. I think that relocating the Millerbird is an excellent idea and I hope that they are successful and that their species will thrive again.

1. Do you think that relocating these birds was a good idea?
2. Do you think it is unfair to other endangered species?
3. Are you interested in the topic of saving endangered species?
4. How do you think we can prevent the endangerment of animals?
5. Do you think that all of this time and money spent on relocating is worth it?


  1. I think this a great idea. An approach like this towards other endangered species could also work really well. I also think that it's good that they didn't just put all of the birds on that one island. I think that they should also be careful to slowly make the transfer, to make sure there aren't any negative impacts for the ecosystem on the island of Nihoa.

    1. I think that this was a great idea and will help these birds survive. If the birds do survive and their population increases significantly, we could use a similar approach for other species.

  2. A genius idea that has been done before. Most would assume that this other island they are being moved to is much like the one they were originally living on, but if it is even just a little different then the birds might not have the resources they need to live in this new place. Hopefully it does have what they need and these species can be saved.

    5) I am not sure that this is worth the time and money to save these birds. Although they are very endangered it is quite expensive to go through with this process. If I was to make my own decision, I would limit the amount of tourists to a certain area where the birds are most densely populated and let them try to make a come back before ltetting people back in.
