Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A balloon the size of Wembley and the world's longest hose... can this stop global warming?

Picture: The picture shows the process and scientists predictions as to what will happen.

Summary: Scientists have noticed that when Volcanos shoot sulphate into the air while erupting, the climate in a very large area becomes cooler. That is the inspiration behind the giant balloon to prevent global warming. Different chemicals will fill the balloon at sea to hopefully reflect the sun's rays. Not allowing as many of the sun's rays to reach the earth will result in a cooler climate. The first smaller scale test will conducted soon to see if intact the sun's rays are reflected as much as the researchers conducting the experiment hope. Even if the tests show the results they want, the government may still be reluctant to go with a plan requiring at least ten of these large balloons. Others are also wary of its risks that could effect the ozone layer. The three year 1.6 million pound (about 2.5 million dollars) plan is still very early in its research, but its results could save us from global warming.

Opinion/Reflection: I think the research's results could be very helpful to how are climate is changing and maybe even slow the change. I am very wary about the risk however. If this plan were to pass it could very well increase the amount of Carbon. It could also lower the amount of rain fall. I fear this research while trying to fix one problem, could create many new problems. We have to decide if we feel it is worth the risks. In another sense the plan can be stopped at anytime. There are still many things to research.

1) Do you feel the benefits are worth the risks?
2) If you were the government and the research was successful, would you approve the plan?
3) Do you have a problem with these chemicals being hoisted in the air?
4) What do you think the results of the research will show? Will it work or not?
5) Does the appearance of these balloons affect your opinion on the plan?


  1. 1) Although this sounds like an amazing opportunity to help stop global warming, the risks outweigh the benefits. If looked at from a more logical perspective, one could see that risking rain fall and altering carbon balances could be potentially dangerous.
    2) I do not think i would approve of the plan towards this balloon research because of all the dangerous risks involved. In turn, it could cause more harm then good to the environment.
    3) I think the whole concept of putting multiple chemicals into the air is very risky. Will these chemicals effect the people's health? And will filling the balloons with these chemicals, it being in the sea, will it hurt the animals?
    4) I do not believe this experiment will work because there are too many variables that are unstable and its not worth it.
    5) I do not think the appearance matters much, but for tourists, it may be off-putting. However, if this equipment will help us with our global warming issues, appearance shouldn't be a problem.

  2. I think that this could be a great idea. Global warming is a huge and ever-growing problem. This could be a possible solution or at least a way to keep global warming at bay. I think that if this is done properly, it could be a great thing and help many of our environmental problems. I think it is great that the balloon they are using next month is smaller and closer to the earth. This should help evaluate risks for a possibility of using the balloons on a wider spectrum.

    2) I think that if all research points towards this being safe, reliable, and relatively low-cost option, and the tests next month look good, I think that I would probably approve the plan.

  3. It sounds like this is taking place not in the US, I hope we as a country don't fall behind in technology due to our economy. Do you guys think the US is falling behind in regards to technology?

  4. I have many mixed thoughts about this plan. It seems like it could be a good idea if done properly, but it seems a little too far fetched to be able to be implemented successfully. The idea of different chemicals all being trapped in one balloon does not sit well with me. I feel like there would be way too much margin for error.

    1) I do not feel that the benefits are worth the risks. Our entire world and atmosphere could potentially be effected if something were to go wrong. What if somehow the balloon popped due to some sort of reaction, and now all of these chemicals were released back into the air in a huge amount? That could greatly affect all of the humans, plants, and animals on earth. I think that if we are already coming up with safe ways to stop global warming (like recycling), than we should stick to those, instead of taking such a big risk.
