Monday, September 19, 2011

Innovators make a business of friendlier fracturing

Flotek, a Houston based oil field supply company recently patented a new fracturing fluid aimed at reducing the potential for groundwater contamination. The new fluid replaces some toxic chemicals with extract from orange peels. The new fluid "sweetens" the controversial process of fracturing rock to extract natural gas by reducing contamination as well as leaving a citrus like scent in the air around the well. Although the cost of the new Flotek fluid is more than traditional fracturing fluids, it is being used more frequently as natural gas mining companies give in to pressure from environmental advocates to take steps to limit potentially negative environmental impacts of the process known as "fracking".

Reflection: I think that this is a great substitute. Not only is the oil becoming more environmental friendly, but it is also adding a sweet scent to make it more bearable! I think that it is completely worth the money because- hypothetically- if there were to be another oil spill, it would be cause less harm, potentially saving money on the clean up in the long run.

1) Do you think it would be a good idea to keep researching and see if we could use more substitutes other than just oranges?
2) Is this worth spending all the extra money on? Do you think that it is really THAT important?
3) Would you prefer this oil over traditional oil? Why or why not?

ps... Sorry for posting so late, I got home way later from my game than I expected!!


  1. I think that replacing the oil to be more environmental friendly is an amazing idea. I also think that the use of orange peels is very interesting. I hope that this becomes more commonly used because there is less harsh chemicals. The sweet sent of oranges is just an added bonus instead of the harsh smell of usual gas. Even though it is more expensive, I believe that the investment is 100% worth it.

    1) Yes I think that the research could be very benificial towards today's snvironmental issues
    2) Yes I think that it is definetly worth all the money because the government has been looking for more environmental friendly oil alternitaves. If we are successful with this research, then we can make an end to our ever long goal of helping the environment.
    3) Yes I would because it helps the environment, and the smell is less overwelming. The smell of gas always bothered me so I think this new orange peel gas would be better.

  2. I think that this sounds like a great idea. There really is no down side to this, and it could have big-time benefits. This is exactly the kind of idea that can really help the environment, with no risk and no downside.

    2. I think that this is definitely worth the money. It could yield big benefits, and it can't be much more costly than before. Also, spending money on this would show that we are serious about helping the environment.

  3. This is a good idea. I would rather have no fracking at all, but we rely to much on this natural gas to stop. The idea is genius. Take something that is thrown away and has no use, and turn it into an alternative fracking fluid. The mines most likely wreak of the normal fluids and natural gas, but with this idea people will be able to stand the smell.

    3) Yes I would because even though it is more expensive, you are recycling the peels and not creating an awful smell for a large radius around the site. Not to mention it is so much better for the environment.
