Monday, September 12, 2011

Scientists take first step towards creating 'inorganic life'

Picture: This picture is an example of the process of inorganic life

The idea of creating inorganic cells is essentially to conctruct chemical cells that are actually alive. These cells will helo is learn about life on earth and new technology based on evolution. As well as these advances, the cells can also have electricity in them which can be used for medical treatments. This research will take many years, as it is only in its early stages, but if this research prevails, then our world's secrets will finally be revealed as well as advancing in the medical field.

I think that all research towards inorganic cells is very interesting. However, this can be a very pricey experiment and how will we know if the outcome of these experiments are sucessful. Also, once we create inorganic life, what else can we do with the information? I think that this should be shared with the world to gain others' opinions.

1- Why hasn't the media told the public about this research?
2-  Is this kind of research risky?
3- Will this cost a great amount of money for the government?
4- How can the rest of society use this information?
5- What kind of medical advances will this research provide?


  1. 1) The media hasn't officially told the public yet because the research will take many years and is in its early stages. Also, if they told the public that it could result in many medical advancements many could get high hopes only to be crushed.
    2) The research has a very high risk to go along with the high potential. First, with messing with chemical cells may come very dangerous chemical reactions. Second, you could bring very unstable and uncontrollable organisms to life. Who knows the risks.
    3) The article didn't go into to much detail about the cost of this, but I can only assume many years of research and equipment to study bringing chemical cells to life could cost millions of dollars.
    4) They can create ideas of their own or go ask professionals if they could apply the results form this research to cures for diseases that involves diseases that affect family members or themselves.
    5) They could possibly put electricity in them so that they could be used to track chemical reactions in a humans body to possibly study those chemical reactions and then create a cure. The electricity in the chemical cells is the main thing that could help medicine.

  2. I think that this is an incredible story. I never would have imagined that scientists could even think of an idea like this. This seems very expensive and risky, but I think that it could mean huge advancements in medicine. With more refining, this research could someday possibly cure serious diseases. I think that this is a great idea and should definitely be looked further into. They should definitely make sure to manage the risks, however, if this is pursued. Overall, I think it could be a great idea and I am excited to see what happens in the coming years.

    5) I think that with further research, this could possibly used to cure diseases that arise from mutated cells, such as cancer. They could possibly use these cells to regenerate areas affected by cancer. There are many other possibilities for using this technology and the possibilities are endless.

  3. I wonder if this could open up a whole new field of employment by the time you guys are out of college?

  4. Mrs. DeLuca, grade both of my comments please.

    I see a tremendous amount of possibilities if this research is successful. The medical advancements could help prevent diseases or cure diseases for future generations. This could create new divisions of doctors. Doctors who specialize in applying these chemicals to medicine. This could not only help the medical field, but the economy also. More jobs in the medical field which will feed into the economy. I must say though there is tremendous risk. Who knows what these life forms are going to be like. Bringing things to life in all cases can have serious repercussions. I think this idea is great, but must be researched with caution.
