Monday, October 24, 2011

Endangered Species Act has 'room for improvement'

Picture: The Bald Eagle is one of the endangered species that has recovered.

Summary: The Endangered Species Act has no doubt saved many endangered species like the Bald Eagle, Peregrine Falcon, American Alligator and many more. Still, many say their is room for improvement. Many people have gotten involved to express their feelings about what should be added. Among these people are the Center For Biological Diversity, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service, Republicans and many more. With the

exception of the Republicans, these organizations ideas have been simple improvements to help the animals even more. For example, increase funds to organizations, designating critical habitat locations for these animals in the next ten years, require recovery plans for these animals to be set within three years and others listed in the article. However, Republicans have expressed concern on the scientific certainty of how the Act helps. Many believe that by challenging the Act the Republicans have alliterative motives, that they only want to lower funding to save money. One thing is for sure, change is due within the Act.

Opinion: The Endangered Species Act is one of the greatest things to happen to animals. It has saved hundreds and my question is why fix something if it isn't broken. This "improvement" discussion is starting to cause controversy in congress and is making trouble that I am not sure we need. Although we are trying to help the animals that live in this Biosphere, we need to worry about ourselves too. We can not over due funding. I will also say this article seems it may have bias because they do not mention Democrats or any other parties opinion. They seem set on giving the Republicans a bad wrap.


1) Do you think any improvements are needed?

2) What do you make of the Republicans feelings on the Act.

3) What improvements would you suggest if any?

4)Are their any details in the Act you feel are unnecessary?


  1. I think that species endangerment is definately an issue that needs to be addressed more. With all of the habitat destruction and species extinction that is going on we can not afford to loose any more. I feel that before people start jumping to conclusions about the republicans motives, the republicans should present legitimate reasons for their proposal because they could make some good points and/or suggestions.

    1. I personally do not know what more you can do to improve the act. It pretty much protects animals in as many ways as possible without effecting humans too drastically. I also think you make a good point when you say why fix what can't be broken. Yes, I think that a lot of species endangerment is because of humans, but we have taken measures to try to prevent it. You also have to factor in nature when thinking about endangerment and consider that there are many factors that we can not control.

  2. I don't think that anything in the endangered species act needs to be changed. This act has saved many species and by changing it, there could be unwanted tension between different political parties, and organizations. I'm not sure what you could do to improve the act.

    4. I think all the details in the act are completely relevant for a species survival, if we changed anything in it, it could lead to possible extinctions that would've been avoided.

  3. I think that the Endangered Species Act has been terrific and has helped many species. However, there is always room for improvement. I think that it would be great to possibly rewrite or amend the original act, so that it could benefit even more species. Although on the other side, we need to be careful to not waste too much money. If we tried to change an act that is already very helpful, we could just end up wasting a lot of money. Overall, I think a few small changes could make the act better, while keeping impact on humans at a minimum.

    1. I personally do not think that any improvements are needed. Improvements could still be useful and could improve the act though.
