Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Colorado and Texas to Require Disclosure of Fracking Chemicals

Picture: A fracking location in Wyoming

Colorado and Texas passed laws forcing companies to inform the public on the chemicals used in their fracking procedures. Colorado forces all chemicals and the amount used to be disclosed. Texas will put information online at a special website to inform the public. The EPA recently said fracking has caused pollution in Wyoming aquifers. John Hickenlooper, the Governor of Colorado, thinks that other states may use the same laws.

I think that these laws are a great thing and a great start. As we've seen in Gas Land, fracking has caused tons of damage to many areas of the country. More people may care to do something if they know all of the terrible chemicals in their water. I hope that more states do adopt these laws. The public deserves to know what chemicals are being put into their aquifers. These chemicals could all wind up in people's tap water, and they deserve to know about it.

1. Do you think that these laws will help the problem?
2. What are your thoughts on fracking?
3. If you lived in an area where fracking occurred would you want to know the chemicals used?
4. Do you think that people will be more active knowing what is in used in fracking?
5. Do you think other states will adopt these laws?


  1. I think that is it good that these states now have to expose what they are putting in the water while they are fracking, however that is just the first step of many more measures that need to be taken. As we've seen in the movie, just becuase he people are aware of what is in their water, it is not helping actually remove those chemicals.

    4. I do think that people will be more active knowing what is in their water. Throughout the movie the residents were very passionate about this crisis, but not enough attention is drawn to the issue so it seemed there was nothing they could do. If more people join the cause, then there will be more aid they will get.

  2. I think that it is great that the citizens are finally becoming aware of the toxins in their water. However, I think that they have the right to know, and there should be no question about telling them.

    1. I don't think that these laws will necessarily stop the fracking issues, but I think this will help the safety of the people in these states
    2. I think that fracking is very wrong. Although it can benefit us, there is no way to keep anyone in the area of drilling healthy

  3. This is a great idea that should have been mandatory from the start. It needs to happen in other states also. If it affects the people then they need to know about it. This monitoring may lead to conclusive evidence of the harm to water later.

    5) I think that many other sates will follow Colorados lead. It is something that people need to be aware of and I am sure the state will side with that.6
    2) We need to stop fracking, conserve the environment and find aternitive energy to use for the future,
